10 Ocak 2017 Salı


Your heart pumps 1.5 million barrels of blood throughout your life. This amount can fill 12 thousand gas tankers. The heart rhythm changes according to the music you listen to. Your heart strikes more than 100 times a day. In women, a heart attack usually has symptoms of nausea and shoulder pain instead of chest pain. According to scientific research 3 times a week orgasm reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Your heart produces enough energy to drive a thirty-two kilometer during the day. Even if the heart is removed from the body, it continues to throw for a while. Because the heart has its own electrical conduction. According to the scientific research done, having a municipality reduces your risk of heart attack. The only cell type outside cornea cells is the cornea cells, except 75 trillion people in whom regular blood is delivered. Excessive consumption of multivitamins can cause a heart attack.

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